Whispering Fauna 2 VA by Patronus Records
Written by Psyland on February 22, 2024

Whispering Fauna 2
Hello Psylanders,
Patronus Records proudly presents: Whispering Fauna Volume Two. Once again they joined forces to seek out and select sounds for a new generation of psychedelic trance.
Compiled by Melange, Xed, Mirror Engine
Released by Patronus Records
Mastering by Ankur @ Seres Studio
Artwork by James Fletcher
Release date: February 9, 2024
“Here we go. The fauna is whispering again. In fact, she never stopped. Returning from their long journeys into uncharted territories, our travellers captured the weirdest and strangest creatures from the undergrowth. They listened for the essence of their voices, had to go through a lengthy process of examination of their behavior, telegraphing their language and deciphering their encrypted communication to unveil their lost knowledge. They speak of many secrets, some are of the forest, some of the smell of night, some of glittering snowy plains, some of ancient arcane knowledge and some twisting the very fabric of our understanding of the world. Once you taste these sounds, they will haunt you. Once you’re in, it’s too late to escape the grasp of this mysterious sonic language. Listen and you will know what is meant by this.”