Venus String Art
Written by Psyland on January 16, 2023

Hello Psylanders,
Today we are happy to share another page of handcrafted art! It is called Venus String and it’s founded by two artists based in Tirana, Albania. You can find it as an online shop which sells decorations made on string art methods with fluorescent threads.
Check them out:
Instagram: @venus_string_art
Facebook: Venus String Art & Deco

String art is weaving colored string between hammered nails to make geometric patterns. There are used lines of thread to create curved patterns that can form various desirable shapes. This organic idea to use thread and nails to form angles has grown from an educational tool to an art form.

“Venus String” concept and idea is inspired by the “Venus Dance” as a beautifully symmetric shape which looks like a flower. It represents the path of Venus and Earth around the Sun while Venus as a Goddess stands for Love and Beauty.

Their mission is to create pieces of art which will show the beauty of the “Sacred Geometry” which reflects the fundamental shapes found in nature, in cellular structures, in fractals which have been used for centuries in spiritual art and architecture. They choose to think of them as icons of energy – talismans of cosmic truth. This term describes the geometrical laws which create everything in existence. We as humans have a unique ability to subconsciously recognize geometric order from transitory chaos. We value highly the harmonic proportions contained in design that are bound by the laws of sacred geometry, which is itself the embodiment of harmonic waves of energy, melody and universal proportion.

By their artwork they want to spread and continue the art of using strings. A characteristic of such stitched compositions is their transparency, which allows for mesmerizing, atmospheric overlapping of forms. “Venus String” is mostly focused on site-specific string installations which interact directly with the exhibition spaces, house decorations, office decorations and other kinds of crafts and orders. Designed specifically for such venues, these works create immersive viewing experiences.

They are open for bookings if you want to decorate your event, party or festival in fluorescent string art installations or you can make a custom order for your personal space, home, studio, shop etc in the sizes and designs that suit you the best. The designs that are available at the shop you can check on their social media accounts where you can also text them for orders.

Branding & Graphic Design: Kurisign