Remix Contest Winners
Written by Psyland on June 26, 2022

Hello Psylanders,
It might took a bit longer, but it was a hard decision between many interesting remixes. The Winners of the Remix Contest ‘CLAW – From Another Planet’ have been announced by Anarchic Freakuncy Records!
Congratulations to the winners! We are looking forward for the EP release. More info about the EP is coming soon.
Official Announcement by Anarchic Freakuncy Records
First of all we would like to thank you all for participating! We had the chance to listen to some very interesting stuff.
We said that we will pick 1 winner but the decision was difficult between 2, so we have decided to pick them both! These 2 artists captured our interest and we will include them in our next release ‘The Remixes’ of CLAW – ‘From Another Planet’ [The REMIXES].
The Remix Contest Winners are:
Stay tuned for the FULL Tracklist & Samples!
We promise that it is going to be very interesting”.