Remix Contest CLAW’s ”From Another Planet”
Written by Psyland on April 27, 2022

Hello Psyheads,
This one is for the lovers of psy music production, but also for people who might want to experiment with entering this beautiful mad world. You don’t need to be a producer for this contest. Just some basic knowledge of any software DAW is fine. So, give it a try! Follow the simple instructions listed below, and your remix might be found released on Anarchic Freakuency Records platforms. We wish you good luck and some happy studio hours.
Remix CLAW’s track ”From Another Planet” for a chance to have it released on ANARCHIC FREAKUENCY RECORDS.
- This contest is open to everyone that wants to participate, the remix pack is available for download on our platform
- Download the stems.
- “The copyright and all other rights of the provided stems and musical compositions embodied in the stems are owned and controlled by CLAW & ANARCHIC FREAKUENCY RECORDS.
- The stems may not be used for any other purposes than for participating in this contest.”
- Submit your remix as an unmastered, 24 bit 44.1 kHz WAV -6db. Use the upload platforms: (Sendspace, Wetransfer, etc..)
- ” By submitting your remix you accept & warrant that all added content in the remix is your own intellectual property, has been created by you, and/or are royalty-free loops/sounds”
- E-mail the download link to, together with your real name, artist name, and web /social media pages, as well as a square-shaped artist image. The spelling must be like in the example: CLAW – From Another Planet (Artist Rmx)
- “After submitting, you may NOT upload your remix to your own social media pages, till the contest date closes.”
- The submission closes on 7th June.
- The winner will be announced on 10th June.
- The winning track will be released on CLAW’s ”From Another Planet” remixes on ANARCHIC FREAKUENCY RECORDS.
We can’t wait to hear your final results!