Archaic’s Interview
Written by Psyland on June 17, 2021

Hello Psy People,
It’s time to meet a master of forestpsy music! Enjoy our INTERVIEW with Archaic!
– Welcome Kostas to web radio. Thank you for accepting our invitation to this interview.
– Tell us a few words about you and about your first encounter with psychedelic trance music.
– Hello, wish you all the best with your new webRadio project and have a good start.
With the psychedelic trance culture I had my first “touch” in 1993 in London.
Before that I was dj, exploring various underground rave music genres.
My first gig in a big party as a dj was the 1991 in Athens in the legendary Sunrise parties.
I start to create my own music in 1995 and since then many projects and collaborations have been created.
My first album with the name Initia was in 2002.
Archaic project was born around 2004 and first Archaic album on 2008 on Wildthings records.
Additionaly,many other releases came after that in various compilations and V.As.
Avaris project was born around 2006 as an alternative experimental psychedelic downtempo project,
in which I can express myself free and without to be in a specific genre.
The first Avaris album was on 2018.
– What about what is happening nowadays? After one year of general “pause” due to corona virus, how do you see the future of psychedelic trance scene?
– The psy trance scene is already happening couple of decades, with the “ups and the downs”
the difference from nowadays with the older “golden” years (like the 90’s of this culture) are that the people of that years had very strong life changing experiences and impacts in their lifes almost forever because of that,this culture not only survived but grew very big the next years till now.
In conclusion, what happening now with this “health emergency state” we living has impact to all music genres and to all peoples life activities and is not about the future of the music, but mostly is about our freedom and rights. If we continue to be humans or not. Psychedelic music has to do about freedom and love ,not about fear.
– Recently you joined Pralayah Records, how do you feel about that?
– I have already my first E.P there and already doing a new album. Pralayah guys have a great vision about music and quality.
– After all these years we can count many amazing albums in different music genres. Are you currently working on anything new?
– Firstly, I have my new project “NightBirds” first E.P which will be released on Samaa records this June 21. Secondly, i am prepairing a new Archaic album for Pralayah later this year!

Sanoopkrishna On June 18, 2021 at 11:58
Thank you soon much for our favourite artist archaic live set. It was great to hear his music.