Anarchic Freakuency Interview
Written by Psyland on February 13, 2022

Hello dear Psylanders,
We hope you are all fine enjoying our playlist’s music, and the dj & live sets of the artists we host.
Within the Anarchic Freakuency Label Week, we have prepared an interview with the founder of the label, to let him share with us his experiences, opinions, and future plans.

– Welcome to our radio Yiannis. Tell us some words about the beginning and the first steps of Anarchic Freakuency Records.
– The concept of creating this label originated by Zaiklophobia and Komfuzius in 2011. Our label’s debut release was in 2013 with “VA Manifesto” (
– How would you describe the music genre and the style of your label?
– Our label is all about Psytrance music with stimulations of futuristic epic sounds, dark melodies, and combinations of the ancient mystic sound with the New Age music technology and techniques. Each artist of the label has his own character with a story to tell!
– What skills do you think are important for an artist of the psy-trance scene?
– We believe passion and practice are the main core to achieving any skill in this life. To be a Psytrance Producer/Dj though needs to combine a variety of skills like music theory and harmony, music production, mixing techniques, and sound engineering!
– Some people say that psy artists should act within the ideas of supporting nature, spirituality, and unity, ideas that the psy community seems to have adopted. Others believe it is just music that matters and the artist’s beliefs and profile shouldn’t affect what we hear. What do you think about this?
– We believe that caring for nature and acting through spirituality and unity with each other is always a positive thing. Nature is life, music is life that brings people together to enjoy spiritual journeys. All of these are deeply connected. We respect other people’s different approaches in that matter. Diversity is what makes this world magical.
– Your label has been active for more than ten years now. What do you think about the popularity of psychedelic music today? Have you seen it change through the years?
– The psychedelic scene is always growing. New artists with new ideas are coming in, always influenced by the pioneers of the scene. New festivals and parties also are established by time around the world, very well organized, better setups, killer decorations, killer sound, and lighting having as a result more quality and more crowd than before.
– Do you have any new releases or events in mind?
– As a label, we try to release 2 or 3 albums every year. Last year we released “ Matrix Mechanics”. A collaboration between Fobi, Komfuzius, and Zaiklophobia. Also, we released Komfuzius EP “Gypsy Tales”.
The third album of the year was another collaboration between Zaiklophobia, Sensigram, and Komfuzius named “Signaling Molecules”.
For 2022, we have a lot of music coming. First on the list is a massive VA coming at the end of March, compiled by Maratus.
Second on the list for this year we have Claw. Four different artists remixing Claw’s track from our VA “We are the AliEns”.
Find here all posts related to Anarchic Freakuency Records: Anarchic Freakuency Archives