

Psychedelic Radio

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Psytrance Music

Page: 34

Hello there Psylanders,Today we are happy to welcome Tazz on board! His name is Tasos Athanasopoulos and he likes music, animals, plants, nature, eco-communities, science (physics, astronomy), psy art, communicating. He was born in Pyrgos, Greece, and has worked as a dj and organized private and open parties. After falling in love with Psytrance he […]

Hello Psyheads, How is your Sunday going so far? We hope you are having a great day and we also invite you to tune in on www.psyland.live to listen to our selected psychedelic music 24/7! Here we come with the new playlist for this week! Check it out! MONDAY 21:00 – 22:30 KLONOS ARTIFICIAL 22:30 […]

This is a breaking news article, which is referred to the massive wildfires in Greece, but also other places of Europe which are happening these last days but also these last years. This time the fires are spotted in many places of Europe at the same time… One of the saddest moments this land has […]

Hello there our beloved Psyheads!Today we are glad to inform you that we are going to host another artist to play a LIVE Set on Psyland and that is SiShiVa! Save the date: 12th of August and stay tuned! SiShiva’s Interview Follow her accounts:Facebook: SiShivaInstagram: sishiva_diansis_music

And the winner of 2 FREE TICKETS to @eudaimonia_festival is πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯: @__.ketsee πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸ† Congratulations! ✨ Thank you all for participating and stay tuned for more surprises in the future! Stay Tuned: https://www.facebook.com/eudaimoniafestival

Hello Psylanders,Today we are so glad to inform you that we welcome a great artist on board called Psycoreclinic! Behind this project is a very talented girl who designs out of this world graphics and digital art. She has also designed some of the banners that are posted here on Psyland Blog. We love her […]

Hello Psylanders, It’s Sunday and we have prepared the new weekly playlist for this week on our radio! Check them out and we wish you all a lovely and relaxing Sunday! Psy you Online! MONDAY 21:00 – 23:00 DR PSYHEAD 23:00 –  00:00 GEO-G WEDNESDAY 21:00 – 22:30 SAFE MODE 22:30 – 00:00 TANGIE FRIDAY […]

Hello dear Psylanders! We would like to remind you that in few days Eudaimonia Gathering (Festival based in Mexico) will take place at Olympus in Greece on 6th until 8th of August 2021. Eudaimonia is an international festival of art, consciousness and music that invites us to raise our frequencies through dance, joy, spiritual awakening, […]

Hello there Psy Aliens,We hope you enjoyed the killer live Set by Balliou! As we have promised, there are going to be lots of surprises on Psyland! This time we come with another GIVEAWAY which is about winning 2 FREE TICKETS to Eu Daimonia Festival (6-8 August) ! All you have to do is, follow […]

Hello Psylanders,It’s about time to post an Interview we have prepared for Balliou! Read more about this incredible artist below and don’t forget to stay tuned tomorrow on www.psyland.live to listen to his LIVE Set! Are you ready? – Hello Balliou! We are so glad to have an interview with you! Tell us a few […]