Confo’s Interview
Written by Psyland on December 15, 2021

Hello Psylanders,
We are glad to have Confo LIVE on Psyland tomorrow! In the meantime we have prepared an interview about him! Read more about this incredible artist below and don’t forget to stay tuned on our web radio to listen to his LIVE Set!
– Hello Thanasis! Welcome to Psyland Web Radio. We are glad to have an interview with you.
Tell us a few words about yourself and your first steps as a music producer.
– Well… Nowadays you can find me in my studio making music or playing video games… Otherwise, I love enjoying walks in nature with friends and pets… My journey into music started at a very early age when I was studying music theory and classic violin at Athenaeum Music School in Athens… Somehow the virus of the producer was always inside my blood, so my first steps as a psychedelic trance producer started when I was 18 years old…It was a different time to be a producer with a good production and good story, so in those years, I remember myself with a small home studio in some house in Goa India, working hard to reach the level I wanted… Well at my 25, when the journey of being a music producer starts, I never imagined what was coming in the next years. I feel happy for this and very thankful to the Universe for giving me what I dreamed of…
–You have been into the psychedelic music scene for some years now. Have you seen it evolving over time?
– Now I am 34 years old, and I have been into the psychedelic scene since the age of 13. Which is many many years of my life… And my answer to this question, is that I was never going to follow for so many years a music scene that is not evolving…My answer on this question is that, yes our scene is constantly evolving, on a matter of event productions, on a matter of music productions, and the list is so long… I love to see new psychedelic styles being born from the original PSY, and this is proving that we are evolving. I remember the years after 2000, when we were the new style into the psychedelic trance scene, and so here we are, ready to be the oldschoolish people… That’s a proof we are evolving with the same momentum, as every other big music scene out there.
– What is that you enjoy the most from being a psy music producer?
– Mostly, I enjoy watching the new generation guys enjoying my music on dancefloor. What mostly pushed me into psychedelic trance production, was my first 10 years of parties, enjoying the music in front of the speaker, and trying to analyze in my own way the story of the artist I hear every time.
The second thing that I have enjoyed a lot, and I think I have to mention, is that we were a generation of artists that we know each other from very young age, so it was really emotional to share with friends the best dancefloors of the world…
–You have released music on many labels so far. Do you have a special connection with any of them?
– I always released my music in labels in which I have at least “one” good connection… In psychedelic trance scene artists do not live by selling their tracks (that’s my opinion), so I always checked to give my tracks on labels that are friends… I have to mention that in the last years, my releases are exclusive for Parvati Records…
– We have seen your little friend Blanco on stage many times. How do you feel about animals?
– Hahahaha… Well I love animals the same as every normal human being.
Blanco is my little friend… Been in many dancefloors all over the world, and traveled with me and our camper in so many countries. He is too small, so I am so happy I can offer him the crazy life we live.
I also think it is very unique to have a gathering taking place every year for his birthday, that makes happy many people who come and party with us for a crazy cause like this! The Birthday of a Little Dog. Haha…
– Do you have any new releases on mind?
– Well, there are many projects on the way.
Soon I want to release some of my “vs” tracks on an EP series for Parvati Records… In meantime I am working on many solo tracks. Well, yeah… I can say that lots of music is on the way…
– Is there anything else you would like to share with Psyland?
– I want to send everywhere good vibes and PSYou on Summer…
Wish Freedom and LOVE…
Stay tuned tomorrow at 21:00 (+3GMT) on to enjoy Confo’s Live Set!