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– Hello and welcome to psyland interview section. – Hello psyfamily! Thank you for the invitation to be a part of your beautiful newproject! It’s my pleasure to be here. – Tell us a little bit about you and your introduction to music… – My name is Sissy, born and raised in Athens. I entered […]

Sissy Danou aka SiShiva was born in Athens. Her passion for music begins at a very young age. Guitar and flute was her first contact with music. At the age of 14 electronic music became more interesting to her. SiShiva and Diansis are her 2 side projects. The first one focused on forest dark sounds […]

Hello there our beloved Psyheads!Today we are glad to inform you that we are going to host another artist to play a LIVE Set on Psyland and that is SiShiVa! Save the date: 12th of August and stay tuned! SiShiva’s Interview Follow her accounts:Facebook: SiShivaInstagram: sishiva_diansis_music

Hello Psylanders,It’s about time to post an Interview we have prepared for Balliou! Read more about this incredible artist below and don’t forget to stay tuned tomorrow on www.psyland.live to listen to his LIVE Set! Are you ready? – Hello Balliou! We are so glad to have an interview with you! Tell us a few […]

John a.k.a BALLIOU was born on the 3rd of March 1984. A very famous and talented artist who starts his psychedelic journey in the early 99. After several performs in many underground parties and festivals all around Greece, Balliou starts his music production. Unique twilight psychedelic style with many releases on big labels and a […]

Hello Psylanders, Today we are so happy to announce that we are going to host another great artist of the Psychedelic Music scene and that is: Balliou! Save the date: 29th of July to listen to hist LIVE Set on www.psyland.live Read here more abot Balliou: https://psyland.live/about-balliou/ Links about BalliouFacebook: Balliou Harmonia rec.Instagram: balliou_iliryannYoutube: Balliou […]

Behind the project Atrus is Nikos Kechagias from northern Greece. He was born in 1980 and at the age of 15, he began to listen to electronic music. After a few years, he started to deal with djing and then organize small parties. In 2008 it was time to start music production. He experimented with psychedelic […]

Hello dear Psylanders,Are you ready to find out who is the next artist to have a LIVE set on our radio? We are happy to host Atrus on our Psychedelic Radio! Save the date: 15th of July! Psychedelic Regards,Psyland.live Social Media Links Facebook: AtrusInstagram: @nikos_atrus About Atrus

Hello Psylanders,Welcome to our “Interview” section of Psyland blog! Today we are glad to post Tromo’s Interview! We welcome you to read it bellow to know more about this artist! – Tell us few words about yourself? – Hi, first of all I would like to thank you for making this interview and congratulations for […]

Yiannis S. was born and raised in Athens has shown great interest in music and music production from a very young age. He studied guitar and synthesizer and after experimenting with various rock and metal bands, he eventually was convinced that music is his calling. Around 1997, he discovered the magic in electronic sounds and […]